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We all have a destination. We all may be
oblivious of the exact destination (where we want
to be) but we know we want to grow, we want to
be successful and, we want more wealth and the
finer things of life. We are beings and the word
‘being’ is a continuous tense. That infers that we
are seeking (and always seeking) an expansion in
all aspects of our lives.

It is an inherent quality in man/woman. It is not
a sin. If this trait is a sin then nature is
committing sin on a daily basis for nature is
observed to always increase and nature never
sins. Let us see an example in a seed. You plant
a seed and it grows to produce many of it’s kind.
The universe itself is observed to be ever
expanding. No one knows the limits of the
universe. That promotion you desire is part of
your genetic make-up and not a sign of
covetousness. That fuller expression that you
seek is not a weakness but a sign that you are
God’s image (therefore it is strength). That higher
education that you want is a sign: a good one for
that matter. Everybody you come across desires
this and it is important that we continue to
nurture these ideas for if we stop having the
desire to multiply and dominate the ‘being’
becomes the ‘have been’.To put it in other
words- man dies when man stops in his pursuit
for increase like any part of our body atrophies
when it is not used.
Scientists say we have a tail (this can be
observed from the foetus) and from biology the
tail is used by animals for balancing. Since man
has evolved to a being that doesn’t require the
tail for balancing, the tail of homo sapiens
atrophies. The desire for increase is therefore a
part of us that seeks expression. If we continue
feeding it, it matures and if we starve it, it
disintegrates and death sets in because the will
and desire to multiply is gone. And if you are
familiar to the scripture, the first commandment
of God to man, is that man should multiply and
dominate the world.
So that leads us to one question: Where do we
start from? Many people will say I will do this and
that when I get this and that. I disagree with
that. I overheard a friend say “I will work better
when I find a good working environment”. Like I
said to him then I will repeat it here… “you will
not work better if you get to that ‘good’ working
environment because you will not get to that
good working environment by doing inferior job”.
He was stunned. I had to add this… “you can only
get to that ‘good’ environment by doing the best
you can do right now at the place you are now”.
It’s as simple as that. If you dream of being at a
better work station, promotion and having all the
finer things of life do what you are doing now at
the place you are with all the energy you can put
into it now.
A simple task that you perform now can be the
step that would take you to your promise land. I
once heard that the line that separates failure
and success is very thin. If this is true (and it is
true), then your present work (and deed) is where
you can rise from. Yes I know your present boss
is a man/woman who does not see how effective
you are but I am sure many of your customers
see your worth. Some bosses see how effective
you are but may not raise the pay or promote
you. This is because you are more valuable to
them where you are and taking you away from
there would be to their personal disadvantage.
Don’t worry. Smile and continue putting your best
effort to what you are doing. Someday someone
will notice you and that promotion will come. Your
business may not be growing at the pace you
want. Don’t worry. Smile and continue treating
your customers like the kings and queens that
they are and sooner than later the pace your
business will take will keep you dumb-struck and
continuously on the move.
Everything you experience is to mould the
spiritual steel that you are made of. We are all
learners and will continue to learn. Your present
business is a bridge to where you are headed to
even if they seem different. There is a latent
connection between what you are doing now and
what you will do in the future. So take today as a
gift and spend it like a man who has just fallen in
love for the first time in his life. Live today and do
all that can be done today where you are.
Yesterday’s job has been done and is forgotten.
Tomorrow will be done tomorrow. Face today’s
job with all your might, soul and strength WHERE
But it is imperative I sound a note of warning at
this juncture. Do not do your job grudgingly or in
order that your boss/supervisor may notice you.
There is nothing more detestable than to see a
man/woman only acting well when the boss is
around then flaunting a lackadaisical attitude
immediately his/her boss is out of sight. The only
thing that usually comes out of that is pain. Like
I said earlier, you are being scrutinized and all
eyes are on you. Out of your present customers
you may find the connection to your life’s
And if these or your present boss isn’t
forthcoming on the promotion you earnestly seek
then the All Good that permeates the universe will
be at your side making ways where there seems
to be none. You have to believe that it pays to be
good. Your future starts now and it is wrapped up
in your performance where you presently find


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